Help! s.o.s.! rescue required!

I’m in desperate need of help!
When the FFF came to Cologne 1998 I watched „An Ambigous Report About The End Of The World“, which is probably the greatest film I’ve seen in my entire Life. Unfortunately, I missed to check out the Festival crew about possibilities to purchase this picture. I’ve been searching for three years now, only to find out that Jakubiskova (the director) got his own production company in the Czech Republic a secret phone number and obviously doesn’t want to be reached.
Nonetheless, I NEED this movie. I’d be more than happy about any kind of information, not caring about costs if the film was available, and for a copy on DVD I’d sell my soul.

If you can help, please contact me at Thanks in

I just read that the Babelsberg Film- und Fernsehvertriebsgesellschaft mbH does the world sales for AARATEOTW.

Did you ask them?

Thanks, man!
You were right about Babelsberg. I haven’t received a definite answer yet, and they told me that they usually sell only to companies. Bu nonetheless, they told me to send in my request and they’ll see what they can do.
It doesn’t sound like a good chance, but it’s lightyears ahead of anything I found.

Tons of thanks, Todi! I love you, who- or whatever you are! :grin:

I luv U2! :sunglasses:

The film is now available online:

17 Jahre später, wow. Na, besser spät als nie